Saturday, July 12, 2008

Head of WARAS gives public lecture at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

The head of WARAS gave a public lecture on June 25, 2008, at the Senate Meeting Room, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He spoke on "The Ionosphere: A Space Science Laboratory". The theoretical background of the solar-terrestrial coupling and its impact on the earth's atmosphere and the history of ionospheric research was presented in general.

He also touched on the history of ionospheric research in Malaysia and the work that is carried out at WARAS. The effect of the equatorial anomaly was demonstrated using simultaneous ionogram observations made at Parit Raja (home station) and Frasers Hill (campaign station). The F-layer critical frequency and virtual height is shown to be lower at higher equatorial latitude.

The ionospheric changes due to seismo-ionospheric coupling observed prior and during the 2004 Northern Sumatra tsunami was also presented. Another interesting observation presented was the occurrences of the F3-layer, a much higher ionised layer at about 700 km.

Earlier, WARAS signed an MoU with Institut Sains Angkasa, UKM.

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